Friday, October 5, 2018

First Practice Run

On Friday, Sept, 28,2018, I made my first practice run. My goal was to walk 12 miles in one day instead of my normal 4. I planned on doing 6 miles on our local greenbelt, stop and eat, and then come back the same 6 miles. With a halfway point break also, each way. I was not sure how to attempt my first interview by just approaching a stranger, but I pulled it off. This man was keeping the grounds at a corporate headquarters of Alter'd State, a women's fashion company. Click here to see the video.  It had been raining a lot the night before but the rain had stopped and was a nice cool cloudy day. I walked through several low spots of about an inch of water/mud, but when I got to the 5 mile mark, I came across a place where the water was flowing over the path about 6 or 7 inches deep. So I turned around and changed courses. So I did about 11 1/2 miles in a total of 6 hours, of which I only walked about 4 hours, since I took three breaks, did an interview, and just stopped and talked to a dozen people. So if on my trip I plan on a 10 hour day, I see no problem averaging 15-16 miles. Thanks for following and pass the word around about my trip.


  1. should have walked through the water.

  2. Sounds like an interesting walk! :)

  3. The link to the video worked too!

  4. Hello David, one of the things you are doing that I admire is that you talk to people during your practice, that is a gift. Keep it up brother
