My 3rd Travelling Hero.

I've already written about two of my 'travelling heroes' , one a cross-Texas biker, and then a 5,000 mile walker. Now, let me tell of  another one of my true favorite 'travelling heroes'.

About ten years ago, I first got to know a man in our church, fondly known to everyone as 'Grandpa Davis'. Grandpa was loved by one and all. He was born and raised in Upstate New York.  Mr. Davis, spent much of his life raising dairy cattle and making maple syrup. Years later, one of Grandpa's girls ended up living in Maryville, who he lived with, and another child ended up living in Florida. One stayed in New York.

One thing was true about the whole time I knew grandpa, he never slowed down. Several times through the years, I played volleyball with Grandpa. And I'm not talking about a doddering old person, not really knowing what was going on. No, Grandpa was active, moved around and really was a part of the team. Once a few years ago, at a church picnic, my oldest daughter actually played a game of tag football with Grandpa.

One other aspect of Grandpa never slowing down was his love to visit his family. Once every winter, Grandpa would travel to Florida for a month long visit, and also once a year, Grandpa would head to New York for another month long visit.

And, oh, did I mention that Grandpa did not fly or take the bus for these vacations, but did drive himself. And, did I mention that this grandpa was not a young 'late-fifties' Grandpa, or in his sixties. No the whole time I knew Grandpa Davis, he was in his eighties. Also, most of the time I knew Grandpa, he was a volunteer driver for Meals on Wheels, bringing food, and joy and a smile to people sometimes many decades younger than himself. And many times, Grandpa would share the joy and love of Jesus with all he came in contact with.

At age 88, his, not mine, I visited Grandpa at UT hospital in Dec. following his open heart surgery. And following this major surgery, what did Grandpa do? Yeah, two months later, he got in his car and drove to Florida. And within one week of his 90th birthday, Grandpa participated in and completed a 5K as a benefit for World Orphans.

Sadly, about a year later, the world lost a great man. In a six month period, Grandpa started sliding, and within about a week of his 91st birthday, Grandpa Davis went home to his loving savior. He never wanted to slow down, he just had to.

Sometimes, when I see someone similar to Grandpa, doing amazing things at an advanced age, I will joke, 'you want to know what I want to be doing when I am that old? I just want to still be breathing.' :)   So, as an encouragement to all of you, get out there and do something. It doesn't have to be a cross country walk, or a yearly 500 mile drive to see family, or a 400 mile bike ride. Or a walk across Tennessee. Just do something. Get out there and do something physical. Don't waste away at age 40. Some of you can be very active, but some can't. But if you can, GO!! get out there and do something. Just like Grandpa.

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